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Fitting-In in a World Falling Apart

Fitting-In in a World Falling Apart

Fitting In in a World Falling Apart: Finding Strength and Guidance Through Faith in Jesus. Discover how faith in Jesus can provide strength and direction as you navigate a world in turmoil.

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Can You Love Your Neighbor Without Loving God?

Can You Love Your Neighbor Without Loving God?

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Love your neighbor as yourself”? It’s one of the most well-known teachings of Jesus.  We typically hear this phrase as "treat others how you would want to be treated." We all want to be treated kindly, yet we are not always kind to others. However, Jesus did not say be kind to others, He said, "Love your neighbor as yourself".  Jesus said Love. Love everyone? This command seems impossible, doesn't it? In this article, we will explore the biblical foundation behind Jesus' two greatest commandments and why loving God is essential to truly loving others.

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"Who Was Mark? Exploring the Author of the New Testament's Gospel of Mark"

"Who Was Mark? Exploring the Author of the New Testament's Gospel of Mark"

John Mark, often simply referred to as Mark, is a significant yet sometimes overlooked figure in the New Testament. His association with key apostles like Peter and Paul underscores his influential role in the early Christian community. This article explores the scriptural references to John Mark, highlighting his relationships and contributions to the spread of Christianity and the New Testament.

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